Aeris Product Selection Guide 2004

Download Aeris Product Selection Guide 2004 (Catalog) PDF (EN) 28 pages 2004 zip

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This PDF product selection guide is for the Aeris year 2004 diving products.

Aeris Product Selection Guide 2004

In our 2004 Product Selection Guide you will find the expected offering of products with associated features and benefits. You will also find a variety of comparison charts to help you drill-down your selection within the AERIS product line. We have also included a smattering of product testimonials from divers who have actually had the opportunity to dive some of the products you may be considering.
To further assist you with your product selection, we recruited four industry experts to present their professional opinions on how to purchase certain scuba gear. No hype, just good, solid recommendations of what to look for and how to look for it. These four individuals represent over 100 years of product knowledge and diving experience. If you’re considering a product purchase please take the time to read what they have to say. We think you will agree that they know what they’re talking about… and then some.



How to select the right regulator for yourself (by Mike Olsen).
– Aeris First Stage Features
– Aeris Second Stage Features

– BC’s (Buoyancy Compensators)
How to select the right buoyancy compensator for yourself (by Bobbie Nicosia).

How to select the right dive computer for yourself (by Robert H. Tseng).

How to select the right fins for yourself (by Dave Kasper).





Why Download the Manual?

This product selection guide provides all the information from Aeris about the year 2004 diving products. You can download and save it for offline use, including viewing it on your device or printing it for your convenience if you prefer a paper version.

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