Samsung SDI INR21700-30T Lithium-ion Rechargeable Cell Datasheet

Download PDF datasheet for Samsung SDI INR21700-30T 3000mAh Cylindrical Rechargeable Lithium-ion Cell (EN) 22 pages (Tentative) 2017 zip

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This PDF datasheet is for the Samsung SDI INR21700-30T li-ion battery.

About the Item

Samsung SDI INR21700-30T Lithium-ion Rechargeable Cell 3.6V 3000mAh

This product specification has been prepared to specify the rechargeable lithium-ion cell (‘cell’) to be supplied to the customer by Samsung SDI Co., Ltd.

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– Revision history

1.0. Scope
2.0. Description and model name
3.0. Nominal specifications
4.0. Outline dimensions
5.0. Appearance
6.0. Standard test conditions
7.0. Characteristics
8.0. Mechanical Characteristics
9.0. Safety
10.0. Warranty
11.0. Others
12. Packaging

Proper Use and Handling of Lithium Ion Cells:
1. Charging
2. Discharging
3. Storage
4. Cycle life
5. Battery Pack Assembly
6. Others

Pack Design Guideline for Lithium Ion Cells:
1. Electrical design
2. Design of System

Handling precaution and prohibitions of lithium rechargeable cells and batteries:
1. Safety precaution and prohibitions
2. Danger
3. Warning
4. Caution
5. Safety Handling Procedure for the Transporter

Why download the Datasheet?

This data sheet provides all the information from Samsung SDI about the INR21700-30T lithium-ion battery, as detailed in the table of contents. Reading it completely will address most questions you might have. You can download and save it for offline use, including viewing it on your device or printing it for your convenience if you prefer a paper version.

How to download the Datasheet?

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